July 20, 2008

The Rebellion of Korah

Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. Jude 1:11

The way of Cain: Cain’s sin was that he offered a sacrifice, not of blood, but of the (cursed) ground while Able offered a lamb “… and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness”. Heb. 9:22 b

Cain’s way was the way of iniquity, "doing my own will even though it is something good".

The error of Balaam: Balaam, the prophet, decided to curse God’s people, for the enemy. His error was to seek worldly gain rather than God’s wealth.

The rebellion of Korah: Korah’s rebellion was grumbling against God and what he was doing, to deliver his people.