September 07, 2008

Woman's Role

The role of women in the church has been an area of controversy and contention for many years. When God inspired and Paul scribed the words in Titus, he was instilling the most important task in history (and specifically for our time) for the older women. Sadly, I have seen, for the most part, they abandon these admonitions in pursuit of more gratifying and lauded venue, and the church suffers great loss.

Older women are to teach the younger women (not teach Sunday School, not youth groups, not choir, nor preaching, not working outside the home or anything other than what Paul prescribes): to teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands.

Because this is not seen as an important endeavor, we have ignored this and the body and the home suffer defeat. It is no wonder that the divorce rate in the Christian church mirrors that of the world. Sadly, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, a Jewish talk show host and not someone from our Christian culture, has done the best job seen in her book, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. In fact, all that she has written has enveloped these principles commanded by Paul.

We should not write this off but rather take a critical look at the church, ask what the core problems are and you will see the resulting affect. Older women teaching the younger women, who would have thought, that this is more important than any Sunday sermon, more important than any building, any evangelical rally, any physical healing and so on.

The woman loving her husband, loving her children…is more glorious than any other event in the body. It breeds love, security, confidence and strengthens her man to move in ways unimaginable.