July 04, 2007


As Christians, we all seek purpose but we often seek the purpose that makes us look good or appears to be of value. This is iniquity.

Women and men of the church have a basic purpose and that is to train the younger believers. The original churches, which met in homes, did not have Sunday School, Children’s Church or child care. They did not take the youth on Mission Trips to give them that Spiritual high or separate them from the elder. Everyone sat in a common area in a symbiotic relationship. This was how growth occurred.

If one looks at today’s church, we see major separation and the separation is not good.

I was viewing several church web sites and noted that all had made a distinction of groups: Children’s Ministry, 18-20’s, Youth, Adults, Singles, Preschool… And, they had many different roles: Senior Pastor, Executive Director, Director of Life Skills, Director of Operations, Director of Outreach, Administration Pastor, Music Pastor, Office Manager, Multi-Media Coordinator, Creative Director, Christian School Director (Day Care), and many different ministries: Parking Lot Ministry, Television Ministry, Drama and Dance Ministry, Visitation and Touch Ministry, Recovery (divorce, 12-step)…

It is important that we look at the early church and compare it to what we have made the church today.

It has been my experience and that of many I have spoken with, that most of these ministries and roles are ineffective. We have reduced the church to a corporation. If I can quote a local, so called pastor, he referred to himself as a CEO.

Paul prescribes this direction to the believers:

[The older women are to ] encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the Word of God may not be dishonored. Titus 2:4-5

[The older men] likewise urge (encourage, exhort) the young men to be sensible; Titus 2:6

This is very easy for women and men to accomplish. It is done without fanfare and in a quiet manner. Progress is slow and not easily measured; however, it is the mandate. It grows strong families. Strong families make strong churches.

Simple prescription. Simple practice. Lasting results.

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